Master SKU & Channel Listings


To connect your Channel Listings to the Master SKU, follow one of these three options:

  • Setting the Master SKU via the Import Listings Channel Integration
  • Setting the Master SKU in bulk via the Import Master SKUs tool
  • Setting the Master SKU manually at an individual listing level
What is Master SKU?

Within Flxpoint, the Master SKU is a unique, primary identifier. For more information on Master SKU, please see: Master SKU.

Setting Master SKU via Import Listings

What is Import Listings?

If you're unfamiliar with the Import Listings integration, we recommend you begin here: Import Listings. This guide will provide detailed information on using and troubleshooting the Import Listings Integration.

Please note - Only the following channels support Import Listings:

Shopify, Amazon, WooCommerce, BigCommerce & Magento

How to Set Master SKU via Import Listings
  1. Navigate to Channels
  2. Select the Import Listings Integration
  3. During Step 1: choose your integration type and configure your connection
  4. Click Save and Proceed
  5. During Step 2: configure your settings and select your Master SKU field
  6. Click Save and Complete
  7. To import the listings, click Run Integration

Master SKU options will vary by sales channel. Please see below for a comprehensive list of Master SKU value options:

Amazon Big Commerce Magento Shopify WooCommerce
  UPC UPC Barcode  
Pre-Existing Master SKUs

If you have previously imported listings and set Master SKUs, any future import listings job will automatically link to existing Master SKUs.

If no Master SKU match is found, Flxpoint will create a new product with the Master SKU.

Setting Master SKUs at a Later Time

If you choose to set your Master SKUs at a later time, you will need to set the Master manually or in bulk using the Import Master SKUs tool.

Setting Master SKU via Import Master SKUs

How to Import Master SKUs
  1. Navigate to Channel Listings
  2. Click Actions
  3. Scroll down to Import
  4. Select Master SKUs
  5. In the pop-up menu, select the channel you have imported listings from
  6. Click Export Listings. The export will automatically select all listings missing Master SKU.
  7. Select Download Listings
  8. In the downloaded CSV, customize your Master SKU by entering the new value in the Master SKU column
  9. Once you have entered new Master SKU values for all SKUs, save the file
  10. Once saved, click Upload Master SKUs and select the file
  11. To complete, select Import Master SKUs

Download Listing Spreadsheet: UPC, MPN, ASIN, & Title Fields

The UPC, MPN, ASIN, and Title fields are populated to help you identify the item tied to a SKU. These fields will not update using the Import Master SKUs tool.

To customize these fields, please see: Customizations.

Download Listings Spreadsheet: SKU & Master SKU Required

The SKU and Master SKU fields are the only required fields to operate Import Master SKUs.

If you choose to upload your own file, the following header names are required:

Header Name: SKU

Header Name: Master SKU

The header names are case-sensitive. Be sure to enter the header names exactly as provided.

Manually Setting Master SKU

Flxpoint also provides you the ability to manually set your Master SKU on an individual listing. Follow the directions below for each listing you would like to manually set the SKU for.

How to Manually Set Master SKU
  1. Navigate to Channel Listings

  2. Select the filter: "Missing Master SKU"

  3. Click and open desired listing

  4. In the Product Link section, click Select/Create Product

  5. In the pop-up menu, you have two options:

    1. Link to an existing product & master sku
    2. Create a new product & master sku by clicking New Product in the top right
  6. Once you have selected or created the Master SKU, click Save Variant to complete

Identifying Listings Missing Master SKUs

To identify listings missing the Master SKU, use the saved filters "Missing Master SKU" in the Needs Attention category. Once identified, you can follow the instructions for manually setting the Master SKU or use the Import Master SKUs tool.

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