Creating a Source


How to Create a Source

To create a source, you need to provide a name and (optionally) associate to a vendor. In addition, classifying the source as an external warehouse, internal warehouse, etc. may help downstream with reporting.

Grouping sources by vendor will allow you to enable Vendor Portal access as well as leverage certain reporting tools dedicated to vendor performance.

To create a source, navigate to the sources page and click the +

Then, configure the necessary details to create a source.

Then, configure the necessary details to create a source.

Bulk Creating Sources

To create a source, navigate to the sources page and click the + and select Configure Multiple Sources.

Configuring a Source


For information on how to set up integrations for a source, see Integrating a Source.

Integrating Source Using Source Wizard

With Flxpoint now you can integrate product source using Source Wizard. Click Here for more info

Source Type

Organizes your Sources by type.

Mostly a "Source Type" is for categorical purposes, except for "Internal Warehouse". To use Used Owned Inventory, your Source's Source Type must be Internal Warehouse.

Below are a different Source Types:

  • Vendor Warehouse - Standard dropship vendor. You don't own inventory or handle order fulfillment (i.e. Honest Green)
  • Internal Warehouse - You own the inventory and manage the order fulfillment process & management (i.e. Warehouse)
  • External Warehouse - You own the inventory and manage the order fulfillment process & management (i.e. 3PL)
  • Data Source - A source created with the sole intention to provide or supplement product data (i.e. Etilize + Synnex)


Optionally add (at least) a source's postal code, state code, and country code in the source's address section. This will allow this source to be leveraged for location-based features, such as rate shopping.

FR/FO Strategies

Optionally define the fulfillment request/ fulfillment orders (FR/FO) strategies for this source, such as unique FR/FO # strategies or auto-processing.

Shipping Methods

It is recommended that you configure shipping methods that are eligible to send to this source. For more information about configuring source shipping methods and how they are used in Flxpoint, see Source Shipping Methods.

Estimated Shipping Cost/Dropship Fee

Optionally define rules to estimate shipping cost or dropship fees when a FR/FO is created for this source.

How Costs Are Leveraged
Configuring these assists in choosing the most optimal routing solution by lowest cost.

If you are using rate shopping, the estimated shipping cost will be derived from rate shopping.