Best Buy CA

How To Connect

Connection Details

  • ACCESS TOKEN Required 

Locating Access Token

To authenticate with Best Buy CA, you must provide the access token provided to you for integrations in your Best Buy CA account.

You can go here, click "Get API Key", login, and retrieve these credentials.

Listing Operations

Link Listings


Deleting Products on the Store
If you delete a product on your store without using Flxpoint the item will still be shown as "Linked" inside of Flxpoint until the next Listings Sync, in which case the listing will be changed to a "Broken Link" status.

You will need to unlink and relink the items in your listings section to fix this.

Sync Listings


This will sync any changes that have been made to listing variants since the last time sync was performed to the Best Buy CA channel.

Publish Listings


The Best Buy CA publish operation creates an offer on Best Buy.

This offer is associated with a product by either a UPC or EAN. This means product content is not pushed to Best Buy, but rather leveraged from existing products on the Best Buy platform using the offer → product association.

Sometimes marketplaces have incorrect UPC for their items, or, suppliers provide the same UPC for multiple items.

For example, a marketplace may have UPC: 123 for a laptop when this is actually a UPC for a laptop power cord. In these situations, the offer created will link to a mismatched product.

To resolve this, you will need to update the UPC inside of Flxpoint to match the correct listing.

Order Operations

Shipping Mappings


Configure the Shipping method to assign the mapping to imported orders. Shipping Mapping is the process of pre-selecting specific shipping methods and saving them in your Channel Settings so that when new orders are made to import, your preferred forms will be auto-assigned to those orders.

The idea is to increase efficiency by eliminating the need to select shipping methods for individual orders. If you're unsure, check the store shipping method in your test order to confirm how the shipping details are imported from your store or marketplace. You will need to map to this exact method and assign different shipping for the Next Day, Overnight. depending on the carriers and processes supported by your supplier

Get Orders


This operation will import any new orders from Best Buy that have not yet been imported by Flxpoint.

My Orders are not importing, what should I do?

The most likely cause of this issue relates to the order status on your store, and the order status we're looking for based on our configurations. If you are unsuccessful at importing an order; double check the status of the order, and ensure it matches your configurations for this operation.

The second possibility is that the order is "too old" for us to import. Under "Configure Settings" you also have the option of selecting the date range of orders we can import. If you set this limit to 7 days, consider checking the non-imported orders creation date and increasing the number under the "Get Orders Created within the last X Days" configuration.

Sync Orders


This operation supports updating an existing order with Tracking information, shipping method, and shipping carrier, to complete the order lifecycle.


  • Partial Shipments are not supported on Best Buy CA. Flxpoint will pass the shipment information to Best Buy CA when all non-cancelled items have been confirmed as shipped.


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