
How to Connect

Connection Details

Connection Name: REQUIRED

Auth Bearer Key: REQUIRED

Authentication Steps

AUTH Bearer- 3dCart(Shift4Shop)

  • Login to your Shift4Shop account.
  • Click on modules in the left-hand side menu
  • Search for Rest API
  • Click on Settings
  • Click on Add
  • Add public key e44b6ec86f8aa62c9a92f6b65d4dc430 to authorize

After embedding the Flxpoint Public key with Shift4Shop

Contact us at and we will configure the rest of the channel.

Supported Operations

Link Listings SUPPORTED

Sync Listings SUPPORTED

Publish Listings SUPPORTED



Listing Operations

Link Listings


The Link Listings operation allows Flxpoint to connect Flxpoint listings to your existing Shift4Shop products as long as the SKU or Advanced Suffix Options matches between the two systems. This both preserves your existing product data and allows updates without creating new product listings.

Sync Listings


The Sync Listings operation is primarily responsible for updating the Quantity and Price of products on your store.


SUPPORTED How delisting works with Shift4Shop

Delisting permanently removes the product from your channel listing, can only be brought back to listed status again after running the sync/publish job is made to run.


SUPPORTED Hiding the variant for Shift4Shop channel listing

Hiding the variant temporary sets the product to a state where an it appears as Out of stock or Currently Unavailable on your channel, making sure there are no unwanted order for the variant.


SUPPORTED Unhiding the variant for Shift4Shop channel listing

Unhiding can only be used for the product variants that are already on hide status to bring the product back live for Shift4Shop sales channel.

Publish Listings


The Publish Listings operation is responsible for creating new listings and offerings on your store.

For Configuration settings Credentials
Shift4Shop will send you an email with the information related to your username and password for the image upload process when you complete the process of sign up to your register Email ID.

Example FTP Setup:

Note - Attributes
If you need to send your Flxpoint product attributes to your Shift4Shop store you can do so by navigating to the Publish products mapping template and setting the Attributes section to Direct Copy

This will send the Flxpoint Attributes to the Product Features section within Shift4Shop

Note - Extra Fields
If you are looking to send for example custom field value(s) or any other value to additional Shift4shop fields, you can do so by leveraging the Extra Fields section on the publish mapping template.


SUPPORTED Overwriting the Variant details

Overwrite feature enables you to overwrite any data for already published variant on your Shift4Shop sales channel. i.e. updating Title, Description, categories, MPN, UPC, GTIN, Images.

- Products will need to be deleted through your Shift4Shop store. Flxpoint is unable to delete product listings on Shift4Shop stores.

Order Operations

Shipping Mappings


Configure the Shipping method to assign the mapping to imported orders. Shipping Mapping is the process of pre-selecting specific shipping methods and saving them in your Channel Settings so that when new orders are made to import, your preferred forms will be auto-assigned to those orders.

The idea is to increase efficiency by eliminating the need to select shipping methods for individual orders. If you're unsure, check the store shipping method in your test order to confirm how the shipping details are imported from your store or marketplace. You will need to map to this exact method and assign different shipping for the Next Day, Overnight. depending on the carriers and processes supported by your supplier

The determine what to populate in your Flxpoint Channel Shipping Text, in Shift4Shop go to Settings > Shipping > Select methods under shipping methods > add the shipping method to your preference

Get Orders


The Get orders operation retrieves any new Orders from Shift4Shop that have not yet been imported and will send back Acknowledgements for those Orders if needed.

Sync Orders


The Sync order operation syncs any changes that have been made to Order(s) since the last time sync was performed. The most common use of this operation is to update tracking information to an existing order.