Profitability Report

The Profitability Report allows you to reconcile revenue and expenses to understand the margins for orders submitted that have source invoices attached.

To leverage this report, you must have source invoices associated to fulfillment requests.

Only orders with source invoices attached for every ordered item are eligible to be displayed in this report. Without this information, the margins are not accurate, as there are expenses that are not accounted for.

What Is the Profitability Report?

The Profitability Report is a report designed to take channel invoice data as revenue and source invoice data as expenses to provide a margin for specific orders.

Further, it allows you to analyze this data for specific periods of time and with certain statistics considered, such as:

  • Total profit
  • Most/least profitable
  • Highest/lowest margin

It will also allow you to see these stats on a per-order basis:

  • Order total
  • Source invoice total cost
  • Profit amount
  • Profit margin

Why Leverage the Profitability Report?

Using the Profitability Report will help you stay on top of your margins and costs without needing to wait to close your books out at the end of each week/month/quarter/year.

It can also help you quickly find your best and worst performing products, so you can make data driven decisions on what and how you are selling them.

How to Use the Profitability Report

Navigate to the reports' menu item in the primary menu on the left-hand side of your Flxpoint dashboard.

From here, you will automatically see orders that meet the reporting criteria (i.e. source invoices are attached). The chart at the top will be aggregated by a period of:

  • Daily (default)
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly

These periods will cause the chart to summarize the chart data over the period selected (i.e., if you select weekly, each bar in the chart will represent one week).

From here, you can select a date range to analyze (default is one month) and the chart data you want plotted.

Below your profitability chart, a table of the relevant orders will be displayed to investigate further.

You may tweak the filters and date ranges as you see fit to understand the periods, products and/or sources you wish to analyze.


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