In-Store Orders

Enabling the In-Store Order Setting on your Sales Channel allows you to designate orders as In-Store Orders. Once an order has been designated as In-Store, the following occurs:

  • A fulfillment request will auto-generate for the selected source (i.e. your internal warehouse)
  • If you are utilizing the committed stock feature, stock with either be committed or released appropriately
  • Order will then auto-close

The Order History and Variant History tool will report each step outlined above.

Enable Toggle in Sales Channel Settings 

In-Store Orders is now available on all sales channels. You must enable the In-Store Orders toggle in the channel settings for each desired channel.

In-Store Order Workflows Required 

To designate an order as an In-Store Order, you must have an active In-Store Order Workflow configured that provides Flxpoint with instruction on when and why to designate an order as In-Store. 

Below we'll cover a few workflow options.


To import In-Store Orders, follow these steps:

  • Enable the In-Store Order Workflow Toggle in the In-Store Settings for your Sales Channel.
  • Select the Source your POS orders are fulfilled from (i.e. your internal warehouse)
  • Create an In-Store Order Workflow Rule to set the Order Type and Fulfillment Type to POS and In-Store Purchase respectively (Rule format options shown below)
  • Click Update to complete

Order Display

Once you have successfully configured the In-Store Orders settings and workflow, you will see In-Store orders designated as such in the top left blue information panel on each order.

You will see:

Order Type: Online or POS

Fulfillment Type: Shipping or In-Store Purchase

Order Workflows Examples

Workflow Examples

You have access to the following data points in the following sections to use in your workflow rule:

Billing Address, Channel Invoice, Listing Parent, Listing Variant, Name/Value Pair, Order, Order Line Item, and Shipping Address.

Below are common order workflow examples we see our clients use.

Option 1: Order Note Workflow Rule

Option 2: Channel Shipping Text Workflow Rule

Option 3: SKU in List Workflow

Order Filters

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