
How to Connect

Supported Woo API Version: V2/V3

Required Connection Details

Consumer Key

Consumer Secret Key

Domain (https://MyWooStore.com/)



Locating Consumer Key And Consumer Secret Key

  • Login to your WordPress admin panel
  • Click on Plugins and on 'Add new'
  • Install and Activate WooCommerce on your website
  • Click "Settings" link under WooCommerce Plugin.
  • Click on the ‘Advanced’ tab.
  • Click on "Rest API"
  • Click on "Add Key"
  • Add "Description" and "User"
  • Set "Permission" to "Read/Write"
  • Then click on "Generate API Key" button
  • Copy/Paste the keys with Flxpoint with dedicated fields.

Supported Operations

Link Listings

Sync Listings

Publish Listings

Get Orders

Sync Orders



Supported Listing Operations

The Link Listings operation allows you to associate listings in Flxpoint with products on your WooCommerce store. After a listing is linked, we will be able to send updates to the product through our Sync and Publish operations.

WooCommerce allows for linking on SKU and UPC. If you select UPC as the value you would like to use to link, our system checks for the attribute "UPC" on each product.


Deleting Products on the Store

If you delete a product on your store without using Flxpoint the item will still be shown as "Linked" inside of Flxpoint until the next listing sync, in which case the listing will be changed to a "Broken Link" status.

You will need to un-link and re-link the items in your listings section to fix this.


Sync Listings

This will sync any changes that have been made to your listings since the last time a sync was performed to your WooCommerce channel.


How delisting works with WooCommerce

Delisting permanently removes the product from your WooCommerce channel listing, can only be brought back to listed status again after running the sync/publish job is made to run.


Hiding the variant for WooCommerce channel listing

Hiding the variant temporary sets the product to a state where it appears as Out of stock on your WooCommerce channel, making sure there are no unwanted orders for the variant.


Unhiding the variant for WooCommerce channel listing

Unhiding can only be used for the product variants that are already on hide status to bring the product back live for WooCommerce sales channel.


Import Listings

Import Listings can import pre-existing WooCommerce listings into Flxpoint.

For more information on the import listings integration, please see: Import Listings

Manual Integration
The import listings integration cannot be scheduled. You will need to manually run the import listings integration when you want to import listings.

Potential Listings Duplication
Import listings will only link Flxpoint's SKU to WooCommerce's SKU.

Mismatched SKUs will result in duplicate listings and products.

Linking to Flxpoint channel listings and product catalog based on ASIN, GTIN, MPN, or UPC is not supported.

Fields That Can Be Imported
Listing Parent:
- externalListingId
- sku
- title
- description
- listing status (e.g. isHidden is set to “yes“ then we set it to hidden)
- images
- categoryOne
- categoryTwo
  Listing Variants: - externalListingId
- sku
- title
- images
- price
- quantity (e.g. stock quantity)

Listing Management:

  • Applies to listings at the Channel Listings level in Flxpoint.
  • Select from two options: Create Only or Create & Overwrite Existing
  • Create Only: WooCommerce listings will be imported and linked to existing Flxpoint listings based on SKU. If there is not a SKU match to an existing Flxpoint listing, a new listing will be created.
  • Create & Overwrite Existing: WooCommerce listings will be imported and linked to existing Flxpoint listings based on SKU. For all SKU matches, the listing data in Flxpoint will be overwritten by the imported WooCommerce listing data. If there is not a SKU match to an existing Flxpoint listing, a new listing will be created.

Set New Listings to Paused:

  • If enabled, this setting will automatically set all newly imported listings to a Paused status.
  • Pausing newly imported listings allows you space to connect your imported listings to sources before orders flow into Flxpoint. This step is important in ensuring fields, such as pricing and quantity, are accurate.
  • If you choose to enable this setting, you will need to manually unpause the imported listings when you are ready to do so. You can unpause the listings by clicking Actions → Edit → Unpause as shown below:

Import Listings Recent Notifications:

Once the Import Listings job has completed, you can view the results of the job in the Recent Notifications log. The recent notification log will provide a breakdown of how many parent and variant items were created or updated, as well as any errors encountered.

You can find the Recent Notifications log by navigating to the following:

  • WooCommerce Channel Settings Gear → Integrations → Import Listings → Scroll to the bottom of the integration screen

Publish Listings


This will publish any changes that have been made to listings since the last time a publish was performed to your WooCommerce channel.


SUPPORTED Overwriting the Variant details

Overwrite feature enables you to overwrite any data for already published variant on your WooCommerce sales channel. i.e. updating Title, Description, categories, MPN, UPC, GTIN, Images.

Order Operations

Shipping Mappings


This ensures orders are being imported from WooCommerce and mapped to a central shipping policy in Flxpoint. You will need to provide the shipping text associated with the Shipping Methods "Title" currently offered on your Channel Advisor account.

The determine what to populate in your Flxpoint Channel Shipping Text, in WooCommerce go to WooCommerce Icon > Settings > Shipping >

Shipping Zones > Here you will need to either "Add shipping zone" or select the Shipping Zone you have already create to view your Shipping Methods. Once Selected you will be able to view or add your Shipping Methods

Flxpoint Channel Shipping Text
Flxpoint uses the shipping method id for orders which means that the Title shown in WooCommerce will need to be added in Flxpoint in all lower case using and underscore "" for spaces. ex: flat rate

Get Orders


You must configure your Shipping Mappings prior to running Get Orders for Orders to import properly

This will get any new orders from a channel that have not yet been imported to go through the fulfillment process

My Orders are not importing, what should I do?

The most likely cause of this issue relates to the order status on your store, and the order status we're looking for based on our configurations. If you are unsuccessful at importing an order; double check the status of the order, and ensure it matches your configurations for this operation.

The second possibility is that the order is "too old" for us to import. Under "Configure Settings" you also have the option of selecting the date range of orders we can import. If you set this limit to 7 days, consider checking the non-imported orders creation date and increasing the number under the "Get Orders Created within the last X Days" configuration.

Sync Orders


This operation is used to pass shipment information (Tracking) back to your WooCommerce store.

By default, we pass Shipment information in an order note. However, we do support the official WooCommerce tracking plugin found here.


How can I help?

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