
Filtering allows you to apply search criteria and find exactly what you are looking for within the data. Filters can be applied to many large sets of data, such as products, orders, invoices, and reports.

Types of filtering:

  • Search bar
  • Filter by field
  • Date range filter
  • Sources, channels, and status filters

Feature Demo


Search Bar

Use the search bar to filter by keyword. By default, searches will look for matches against these data points:

  • Variant SKU
  • MPN
  • UPC
  • Title

To search by keyword for against other fields, click the gear icon to show all the potential fields you can search. To select more than one field, hold Ctrl or  and click the fields you want to apply to the filter.

Filter by Field(s)

Above the search bar, you are able to create conditional filters based on fields.

Using Filter by Field(s)

When filtering by fields, you can narrow down the search by adding conditions, such as: Equals, Does Not Contain, Within Last, and many more.

To cross-reference against multiple fields use "and" or "or:"

  • Click the plus sign beside Filters to add another field, combining them with "and." The search will only show results that meet all of the field conditions.
  • Click the plus sign to the right side of a conditional field filter (e.g. Quantity Greater Than Or Equal To 1) to add another field to combine them with "or." The search will show all results that match any of the field(s) conditions.
Saving Filters

To save commonly used filters, click Manage Filters below the Variants and Parents tabs.

Note: To organize your filters, add a new group to a folder to nest your filters.

Date Range Filter

Filtering by date in Flxpoint is similar to most other systems where you can select a "Start Date" and "End Date".

Configuring Date Ranges

  • Entering a start date and end date will show any filtered results that fall between the dates
  • Entering only a start date will show all filter results after that date
  • Entering only an end date will show all filter results before that date
Filter Down to the Minute

To switch from the standard calendar to a calendar and time, just click the icon to the left of the start date or end date. You can now enter the exact date and time.

Filter Groups

Filter groups represent a grouping of filters to further classify what a filter relates to. You can collapse or expand filter groups within the user interface.

Once these filters are saved, they can be used within the core searching user interface to quickly apply a saved filter that a user has created.

Managed Filters

Default Filters

By default, screens will have what are considered default filters. These filters will be provided on each search screen and represent a base set of filters that can be used, such as:

  • Sources
  • Channels
  • Statuses

To select multiple filters, hold Ctrl or  and click the Integrations or status(s) you want to filter by.

Default filters example on the Product Catalog Variants view.

Custom Filters

Custom filters represent filters that a user can create to further customize the filtering experience.

Custom filters can be created by clicking Manage Filters and configuring a filter that identifies a set of criteria.


In this example, we create a filter to find anything with the brand name "Nike" that does not have an MSRP value.

Guided Exercise

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