

Orders that contain firearms cannot be delivered directly to a customer. Instead, these items must be fulfilled to a registered FFL location. As a result, if items are identified as firearms they must go through a special workflow:

  • The order must receive FFL Info (including pieces of information such as address and FFL #)
  • The items identified as firearms will be split onto a separate FR/FO for fulfillment

If you intend to list firearms, the following life-cycle needs to be handled:

  • Identifying firearms
  • Automatically or manually adding FFL information for fulfillment

Identifying Firearms

Enabling Identification

Each source that may fulfill firearms must be configured enable firearm settings. This can be done by navigating to:

  • Sources → [Select a Source] → Settings → May Contain Firearms?

Once this setting has been enabled, three options will appear:

  • Add FFL information for Cross Dock Purchase Orders
  • Enable Automatic FFL Information Validation
  • Identify Firearms/Collect FFL Info Workflow

Enabling Automatic FFL Information Validation

Required fields for FFL Information can be configured by source and can be automatically validated during fulfillment request generation.

When enabled and FFL Information has all required fields, fulfillment request can be auto-processed without needing to be reviewed beforehand.

When disabled or if FFL Information is missing any required fields, fulfillment request will be moved to "Additional Info Required" status for your review.

Validation Occurs During the Fulfillment Request Generation

Validation only occurs during the generation of a fulfillment request and does not apply to manual fulfillment request creation. This is true for traditional orders and cross dock purchase order.

Validation does not automatically occur when manually adding FFL information to an order.

Identifying via a Workflow

The workflow mentioned above can be used to conditionally flag whether products from the source will require the collection of FFL information. In short, this workflow allows rules such as :

  • If category is Handguns set Firearm to True

Once these rules have been configured, newly generated fulfillment requests/fulfillment orders will require FFL information for the items that were identified as firearms via this workflow.

Adding FFL Information

FR/FOs that contain firearms will now require FFL information to be associated. There are two ways to associate FFL information.

Automatic FFL Information

Using a channel Integration that is intended for the sale of firearms (i.e. GunBroker), often times FFL information may already be chosen via the channel. In these situations (as long as the channel supports retrieving this information), you can automatically map in the chosen FFL information via Get Orders  Mapping Templates.

This will ensure that the chosen FFL information is associated with the order and subsequent fulfillment requests/fulfillment orders.

Manual FFL Information

If the order comes from a channel that does not support providing FFL information for firearms, the alternative is to manually add FFL information to the order.

This information is only allowed to be populated if an item on the order is a firearm.


If you do not see the "FFL" section on the order, this means an item was not identified as a firearm. Please ensure your identification rules are setup properly in the source firearms workflow, as described above.

FR/FOs containing firearms follow the same life-cycle as others, see Processing Fulfillment Requests/Fulfillment Orders for more information.