Pre-Built Source Checklist


This document is a list of considerations to make while setting up a new source with a pre-built connection in Flxpoint. This will ensure the main inventory and order automation integrations like Get Inventory Primary, Get Inventory Secondary, Send Fulfillment Requests, and Get Shipments are configured.

Important: Before starting the setup process for a new source, validate that the pre-built connection supports the integrations you need. i.e. if you plan to route orders through Flxpoint ensure the Send Fulfillment Requests and Get Shipments integrations are supported for the supplier you're looking to add.

Once you confirm, begin by setting up your Get Inventory Primary, then configure Get Inventory Secondary if applicable. After that you'll complete a test order with Send Fulfillment Requests and Get Shipments. See steps below:

1. Get Inventory Primary Integration

This integration will create new inventory items in your Flxpoint and imports the product data like categories, images, etc. -- it will also import pricing/quantity, but if available, we recommend using Get Inventory Secondary for pricing/quantity imports for a greater frequency of those updates

  • Navigate to Source Integration: Go to the 'Integrations' section of the source you created.
  • Configure Get Inventory Primary Integration:
    • Enter Credentials: Input the required credentials for the source/connection (e.g., API keys, usernames, passwords).
    • Configure Connection Settings: Set up any additional connection settings as needed
    • Generate Default Mapping Template: Generate and review the default mapping template for inventory data.
  • Test Integration:
    • Run a Test: Execute a test to verify the integration.
    • Verify Data: Ensure that inventory data is correctly imported and updated.
  • Schedule Integration: Set the frequency of inventory updates (e.g., hourly, daily).

2. Get Inventory Secondary Integration

This integration is leveraged for more frequent pricing/quantity updates. Your supplier could not have this as an option and you would use Get Inventory Primary for pricing/quantity

  • Configure Get Inventory Secondary Integration:
    • Enter Credentials: Input the required credentials for the source/connection (e.g., API keys, usernames, passwords).
    • Configure Connection Settings: Set up any additional connection settings as needed
    • Generate Default Mapping Template: Generate and review the default mapping template for secondary inventory data.
  • Test Integration:
    • Run a Test: Execute a test sync to verify the integration.
    • Verify Data: Ensure that secondary inventory data is correctly imported and updated.
  • Schedule Integration: Set the frequency of secondary inventory updates (e.g., hourly).

3. Send Fulfillment Requests Integration

Ensure you have your Shipping Management configured and read the article on source shipping methods -- the source shipping methods you configure will determine how orders are indicated to be shipped by supplier when you process the order. You'll want to know shipping methods offered by supplier  i.e. Ground or 2 Day shipping

  • Configure Send Fulfillment Requests Integration:
    • Enter Credentials: Input the required credentials for the source/connection (e.g., API keys, usernames, passwords).
    • Configure Connection Settings: Set up any additional connection settings as needed
    • Generate Default Mapping Template: Generate and review the default mapping template for fulfillment request data.
  • Test Integration:
    • Run a Test: Execute a test to send a fulfillment request and verify the integration.
    • Verify Data: Check that fulfillment request data is accurately processed.
  • Schedule Integration: Set the frequency for sending fulfillment requests (e.g., hourly).

4. Get Shipments Integration

  • Configure Get Shipments Integration:
    • Enter Credentials: Input the required credentials for the source/connection (e.g., API keys, usernames, passwords).
    • Configure Connection Settings: Set up any additional connection settings as needed
    • Generate Default Mapping Template: Generate and review the default mapping template for shipment data.
  • Test Integration:
    • Run a Test: Execute a test shipment update to verify the integration.
    • Verify Data: Ensure that shipment information is correctly updated.
  • Schedule Integration: Set the frequency for shipment updates (e.g., hourly).

5. Post-Setup Verification

  • Monitor Initial Runs: Keep an eye on the first few synchronization runs for each integration type.
    • Error Logs: Check for any errors or issues in the logs.
  • Adjust Configurations: Make necessary adjustments based on initial run results.
  • Regular Monitoring: Regularly monitor the source and integration performance to ensure continued accuracy and reliability.

You may also consider reviewing our Sources document or our Integrating as a Source document for more information.

By following this checklist, you can ensure a comprehensive and successful integration of various processes for your source in Flxpoint.

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