Flxpoint FTP

How to Create a New FTP

To create a new FTP:

  • Navigate to Settings

  • Scroll to the bottom of the blue menu bar

  • Select FTP Accounts

  • Click +Add FTP Account

  • Enter:

    • Name (This is a nickname that you can use to identify this FTP Account)
    • Username Suffix (This will be appended to the Username Prefix to create your Username for the FTP Account)
    • Password (This is the password you will use to access the FTP)
  • Click Save to complete

How to Edit Existing FTP

To edit an existing FTP:

  • Navigate to Settings
  • Scroll to the bottom of the blue menu bar
  • Select FTP Accounts
  • Click the Gear Icon in the top right of the desired FTP
  • Complete edits
  • Click Save to complete