
What Are Orders?

In Flxpoint, orders represent incoming orders from your sales channel(s) to be fulfilled.

The items on an order are linked to product variants. This allows the fulfillment of these orders to come from any of the source inventory variants that the product variants are linked to.

Orders should not be confused with purchase orders or fulfillment requests (PO/FRs), which represent orders sent to a source.

See the below diagram for a visualization of this:

  • V123 and V456 representing product variants
  • Distributor A, Distributor B, and Warehouse represent sources
  • A123, A456, B123, B456, and C456 represent source inventory


How Are Orders Imported?

Orders are imported via the channel integration Get Orders. 

As an order is being imported, you can (optionally) specify custom rules for that order. 

How Are Orders Invoiced?

When orders are imported from an external sales channel that has already received payment, those orders can be imported as paid.

However, for B2B orders where the payment has not been captured, orders can be invoiced to receive payment. 

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