Kroll as a Source

Kroll is a trusted wholesale distributor specializing in tactical, outdoor, and law enforcement products. When integrated as a source in Flxpoint, it allows you to efficiently import product catalogs, synchronize inventory, and automate order fulfillment via FTP or API connections. With Kroll, you gain access to up-to-date inventory data and seamless order processing for their extensive product range.

How To Connect

  • Enter a Connection Name to identify your setup. For example, "Kroll FTP Connection."
  • Enter your FTP Username, which you can find in your Kroll account under "FTP Settings."
  • Enter your FTP Password. This is associated with your FTP Username. If you need help, check your Kroll account or contact support.
  • Enter your Account Number, which is available in your Kroll dashboard or invoices.
  • Provide your API Username. You can locate this in the API Credentials section of your Kroll account.
  • Enter your API Password, which is tied to your API Username. Reset it in your Kroll account if necessary.
  • (Optional) Specify Payment Terms, such as "Net 30" or "Immediate Payment," based on your agreement with Kroll.
  • Click Test Connection to validate your entries. Fix any errors that appear during testing.
  • Once validated, click Save Connection to complete the setup.
Kroll Connection Setup

Product Operations

The primary operation handles the bulk of your inventory management needs, while the secondary operation allows for more detailed control, such as focusing on specific products or updates.

Get Inventory (Primary)

Yes, Get Inventory (Primary) is supported.

This integration allows you to retrieve detailed inventory data, including custom fields, categories, and images, directly from your supplier via FTP.


Key Details:

  • Custom Fields: Fields like "Hazardous" and "Country of Origin" can be mapped.
  • Categories: Up to 3 levels of categories are supported.
  • Images: Supports 1 image per row in the inventory file.
  • Multiple Warehouses: Not supported.


How It Works:

FTP Connection: Connect to the FTP server and download the following files:

  • /ProductData/KrollDealerInventoryExportRev2.txt for inventory data.
  • /ProductData/Kroll_Stock_Disco_CLSO.txt for deactivated SKUs.
  • /ProductData/Kroll_Complete_Catalog.txt for the product catalog.


  • Iterate through the product file and match inventory records by SKU.
  • Map data (e.g., quantity, price, and weights) using the Flxpoint mapping template.

Image Processing:

  • Take image links from the file and write them in the format: sku, image_file.
  • Upload the image file paths to S3 as a CSV file.
  • Use the Source Image Grabber process to download the images from FTP and re-upload them to S3.
  • Set the image link for each product based on the SKU and S3 link.

Saving: Save all mapped inventory and image data into Flxpoint.



Missing Data:

  • If quantity, price, or other details aren’t mapping, check the inventory file (pipe-delimited |) to locate the item.
  • If the item isn’t found, cross-reference with the product file or contact Kroll for assistance.

Failed File Downloads:

  • File names are hard-coded but typically consistent. If a file name changes or needs customization, reach out to your team to expose a config for overriding file names.

Get Inventory (Secondary)

Yes, Get Inventory (Secondary) is supported.

This integration allows you to retrieve essential inventory details, such as pricing, quantities, and product specifications (weights and dimensions), ensuring accurate and up-to-date inventory management.


Key Details:

  • Pricing and Currency: Both generic and client-specific pricing are included.
  • Quantities: Retrieves accurate inventory levels for stock management.
  • Weights and Dimensions: Provides product specifications needed for shipping purposes.
  • Delta Feeds: Supports full and incremental updates to reflect inventory changes.
  • Archive Support: Access historical inventory data for reporting and management.


Not Supported Features:

  • Custom Fields: Fields like "Hazardous" or "Country of Origin" are not supported. For these, use Get Inventory (Primary) instead.
  • Multiple Warehouses: This integration does not support data from multiple warehouse locations.


How It Works:

  1. Flxpoint downloads the inventory file from /ProductData/KrollDealerInventoryExportRev2.txt.
  2. The data is mapped to corresponding fields in Flxpoint.
  3. Each variant is saved into your inventory for accurate tracking.



  1. File Not Found: If the file cannot be downloaded, verify its existence or contact Kroll or your dev team to allow file name customization.
  2. Data Mapping Issues: Ensure all required fields (e.g., pricing, quantities, weights) are correctly mapped in Flxpoint.


Why Use Get Inventory (Secondary)?

  • Provides essential inventory details without unnecessary complexity.
  • Ideal for maintaining accurate stock levels and product data.
  • Simple and efficient workflow for regular inventory updates.

For businesses requiring custom fields or multiple warehouse support, consider using the Get Inventory (Primary) integration. If you need help setting up this integration, our support team is here to assist!




Order Operations

It submits orders to vendors for fulfillment and subsequently imports the shipment details, ensuring an integration between order processing and shipment tracking.    

Send Fulfillment Requests

Yes, Send Fulfillment Requests is supported.

This operation allows you to send fulfillment requests from Flxpoint to your supplier, ensuring smooth order processing and shipment tracking. Here's how it works:

Key Details:

  • Purchase Order Number: The Flxpoint Order ID is sent as the "Purchase Order Number."
  • External PO Number: The Flxpoint Purchase Order Number is sent as the "External PO Number." This can be customized in the mapping template if needed.


Shipping Methods (ShipVia Codes):

When sending a fulfillment request, you must select a valid shipping method. Below are the acceptable values:

  • FedEx: PriorityOvernight, Ground, ExpressSaver, TwoDay, SmartPost, StandardOvernight.
  • UPS: NextDayAir, Ground, SecondDayAir, ThreeDaySelect, NextDayAirSaver, NextDayAirEarlyAM.
  • USPS: FirstClass, ParcelPost.
  • Other: CustomerPickUp, LessThanLoadFreight, ExpressMail, BestRate, FlatRate.

Ensure that the selected method matches the shipping services offered by your supplier.


Payment Method:

You must map a valid payment method to process the request. Options include:

  1. CreditCard (requires additional data mapping).
  2. AccountTerms.



  1. Invalid ShipVia: If you receive an error, verify that the selected shipping method matches one of the valid codes listed above. Double-check the shipping address fields in the mapping template for accuracy.
  2. Invalid Payment Method: Ensure a valid payment method is mapped in your connection configuration.

Get Shipments

Yes, Get Shipments is supported.

This operation allows Flxpoint to retrieve shipment data from your supplier, including partial shipments, and associate them with your fulfillment requests (FRs).


Key Details:

  • Partial Shipments: Supported—quantities for partial shipments are included.
  • Invoice Information: Costs provided with shipments can be used for generating invoices automatically.
  • Carrier & Methods: The "shippedVia" field is returned with carrier and method details, such as shipping services (e.g., FedEx, UPS).


Common Error:

Warning: Cannot find a Purchase Order for Shipment {purchaseOrderNumber}

  • What It Means: Flxpoint found a shipment, but it cannot associate it with any fulfillment requests (FRs) in the system. This might happen if the FR was submitted manually or outside Flxpoint.
  • What to Do: You can safely ignore this warning. These shipments will automatically fall off over time if not matched.


Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Ensure all fulfillment requests are submitted through Flxpoint to avoid warnings.
  2. If warnings persist, verify that the purchaseOrderNumber matches the FR ID in Flxpoint.


How It Works:

  • Shipments are retrieved from the supplier’s system by querying shipment data for specific days (e.g., past 7 days by default).
  • Flxpoint checks each shipment’s purchaseOrderNumber and tries to match it with Flxpoint’s
  • If a match is found: The shipment is added and associated with the fulfillment request.
  • If no match is found: A warning is logged.

Get Invoices

Yes, Get Invoices is supported.

This operation retrieves invoice information linked to your fulfillment requests (FRs), allowing you to manage costs and item-level details.


Key Details:

  • Line Item Costs: Supported—item costs and freight charges are included in the response.
  • Item Association: Invoice items are linked to SKUs for accurate tracking.
  • Invoice Format: Cancellations are not supported in the response.


How It Works:

  1. Flxpoint uses the same endpoint as Get Shipments to retrieve invoice information.
  2. Shipment data includes complete invoice details, such as costs and item-level information.
  3. Invoices are matched to Flxpoint fulfillment requests using the FR# and item details.
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