Product Builder In-Depth

The Product Builder enables you to create products from your Source Inventory by defining match rules, linking identifiers, and managing product variations. You can configure how products are matched, set validation rules, and determine when new product variants should be created. This guide covers setup instructions, match rule options, mismatch prevention, and automation settings to help you effectively build and manage your product catalog.


Create Products

To get started on creating products from the Source Inventory Level, you'll need to ensure that your Source is set up. 

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To create products from your Source Inventory, you need to configure a Product Builder and select the appropriate Mapping Template.

  1. ts are built into Product Catalog.
  2. This is not mandatory, and you may do it later once products are in Product Catalog.


Match Rules (Select Linking Identifiers)

When creating products from your Source Inventory, you must specify how to match inventory variants from different sources. A match occurs when multiple inventory variants share a common identifier, such as UPC, MPN, GTIN, ASIN, or Reference Identifier.

If multiple sources provide the same value for a selected identifier, the system will attempt to merge them into a single product variant.

Identify Matches Based On:

Select the identifiers your source provides for comparison:

  • Master SKU
  • UPC
  • MPN
  • GTIN
  • ASIN
  • Reference Identifier


Using MPN as a Linking Identifier

Caution: Selecting MPN may cause problems if manufacturers use the same values for different products.

  • Example: MPN: 111 may represent Product A from Manufacturer X and Product B from Manufacturer Y.
  • Best Practice: Only use MPN if you are certain there are no overlapping MPNs in your inventory sources.


Find and Match to Existing Product Variants?

  • Yes, attempt and link matches to existing product variants (Recommended)
  • No, don’t attempt and create new product variants (Not recommended)


Create New Product Variants if No Match is Found for Existing Product Variants?

  • Yes, allow new product variant creation
  • No, prevent new product variant creation

📌 Defaults:

  • The system defaults to "Yes" for both options, meaning it will attempt to match existing product variants first.
  • If no match is found, new product variants will be created by default.


Example: Bridging Identifiers Across Sources

If different sources provide different identifiers, you can still establish a match:

  • Source 1 provides GTIN and UPC.
  • Source 2 only provides UPC.
  • Source 3 only provides GTIN.

Solution: Since Source 1 provides both GTIN and UPC, it acts as a bridge, linking Source 2 (via UPC) and Source 3 (via GTIN) together.

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Identifying Mismatches (Reduce False Positives)

Reduce the probability of incorrectly linking different inventory variants to the same product. Establish rules to identify potential mismatches that are more likely to occur when these rules are not met.

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We have determined several key indicators that can identify potential mismatches between variants and parents with the same linking identifiers:

  • Cost
  • Cost Range
  • Brands Not Equal
  • Title Contain
  • MPN not UPC


Rebuild Settings (Automate When To Rebuild)

When building your source inventory into your product catalog, there are a few conditions where you may always want to automatically rebuild your product variant(s) and/or parent(s).

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In your Product Builder, configure your rebuilder settings to automatically rebuild your product parent and/or variant when certain conditions are met.

  • "is initially added as a link" refers to when an unlinked inventory variant goes through the creation process and is linked to an existing product variant
  • "is already linked" refers to when an already linked inventory variant goes through the creation process again



UPC Validation Settings

Traditionally, UPC are 12 digits codes representing a single product. In some cases (due to bad data or different standards), the UPC may not be exactly 12 digits. This setting provides you with the ability to determine what happens to "invalid" UPCs. You are able to:

  • Create - create the product with the invalid UPC and merge with other products containing this UPC value
  • Review - flag the product as a builder issue for you to review the invalid UPC
  • Fail - prevent the product from being built into the product catalog due to the invalid UPC

*Please note: This setting is only applicable when you have selected UPC as an ID to match on in the Match Rules section of the builder settings.

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Rank Source Priorities (Put Your Best Data First)

Product content derives from inventory. When a product is built from multiple inventory variants, you can prioritize how to pull in data from the related inventory.


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This can be configured at a:

  • Global level: If you would like to pull all data from a specific source, simply drag the source to the top
  • Field level: If you would like to then override specific fields to use a different priority, you can add a field-level priority and drag the desired source(s) as higher priorities for those specific fields


  • Camuto | UPC : 123 | Title : Red Shirt | Brand : TeeShirts | ASIN : 0
  • Barnyard | UPC : 123 | Title : The Best Red Shirt | Brand : teeshirts | ASIN : BX123123

An appropriate strategy may be:

Use Barnyard's data globally, but then pull the Brand field from Holiday Products.

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