Reseller Channels

Reseller Channels represent custom sales channels that can have unique B2B settings:

  • Invoicing workflows
  • Order import workflow
  • Listing selection/pricing/quantity
  • Product feed update frequency

Flxpoint Pro Tip 

Reseller channels are generally leveraged to establish reseller groups. If all of your B2B customers have the same invoicing, pricing, and product selection/data - a single reseller channel can be used.

In short, reseller channels can be thought of as reseller groups. Reseller channels connect to either:

  • External B2B platform integration via API
  • Flxpoint Reseller Portal

Using Reseller Channels

To find your reseller channels, navigate to the Channels icon on the left side of the Flxpoint app and then click on the Reseller Channels tab.

Creating a Default Reseller Channel

Before creating your primary reseller channels, you will want to create a default reseller channel first.

This will be the group that your reseller enrollments will be put into when first signing up. You can consider it a holding area. Resellers will remain in this channel until you approve them and assign them to the appropriate channel.

Creating Additional Reseller Channels

After setting up your default channel, you will want to create unique channels for different resellers. These channels will provide you the ability to set up specific pricing, invoicing, and mapping that is only applied to resellers on that channel. Once they’re created, you will need to assign the reseller to their specific channel.

You will do this by navigating to the Resellers page, selecting your new reseller, and then choosing the appropriate reseller channel from the drop-down (see below). Make sure to click Update to save your changes.


This invoicing section is very important in regard to how you charge, invoice and collect payments for your resellers' dropship orders.

  • Receipts: You can send an email or UI notification to resellers whenever they push over orders to you
  • Payment collection: Select whether you are capturing payments within Flxpoint. If you are, then you can set up different if/then rules for capturing payments.

The invoice costs generation workflow section is important for setting up cost generation such as shipping costs or dropship fees. You can set up flat-rate shipping costs here based off of location and/or product or order weight.


The pricing section is for manipulating the price that you send to the reseller channel.

The list price is the buying price that your resellers will purchase the product at to be drop-shipped to their end customers. Most of the time, the price in your product section will be the same price, so there will be no need to change this.

If you need to manipulate this price, say providing a bigger or smaller discount for a specific reseller channel, then you can do so here with one of our if/then workflows. The rules applied here will only be assigned to the reseller channel displayed in the top left corner.

Listing Status

This section is for manipulating the status of your products (i.e. listed, delisted, hidden, etc.).

Here, you can create rules to change the given status currently displayed. An example of this would be creating an if/then to delist a particular SKU that this channel isn’t approved to sell.

Product Mapping

This section is for mapping out the data from your Flxpoint product listings to your reseller channel.

You can create a mapping template that allows different data points to be mapped to different fields in here, as well as set up rules for the data that you are pushing over. Usually you only need to do this once when you’re importing your products.

You can also set up a sync schedule for how often we are updating this channel with product data (i.e. quantity changes).

Order Import

The order import section allows you to set up an order import if/then rule for a specific reseller channel. You can manipulate multiple different data points, send alerts, change status, and much more.

Shipping Mapping

This is where you map your shipping text/name to your internal Flxpoint Shipping Policies.

  • Designate a mapping name for a shipping method (i.e. “Cheapest Way” or “Standard Shipping”).
  • Then, map (i.e. “Cheapest Way”) to the shipping policies that you set up under the global settings (gear icon) and order section. Here you would create a policy name which could be "USPS Ground" or something more generic like "Dropship Shipping."

For more details on shipping settings in Flxpoint, see Channel Shipping Mappings.

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