
In order for B2B customers to gain access to the Reseller Portal and/or have the ability to submit orders to you, they must sign up and go through an approval process. This process can be automated or manually controlled.

In addition, additional information can be configured for each reseller, such as:

  • Reseller status
  • Reseller channel
  • Reseller payment capturing
  • Reseller invoicing

Reseller Status

Depending on if you have the auto-approve resellers setting on, all new reseller enrollments will come in under pending status.

From here, you will either want to approve or deny resellers once they sign up. You can do so once you click into the reseller and change the status next to their name.

A reseller's status will automatically change from approved to active once they place an order with you (through the Reseller Portal, Flxpoint API or Inventory Source.)

Reseller Channel

Upon approval, you will need to assign the reseller to a specific reseller channel.

If you are only utilizing one channel, then it will automatically assign to that one. If you have more than one channel, then you can assign them to the correct reseller channel.

Reseller Payment Capturing

You can set up an if/then conditional rule based on certain criteria to capture payment for a specific reseller.

Reseller Invoicing

You can set up an if/then conditional rule based on certain criteria to invoice the customer. This is the place to apply reseller-specific credits, dropship fees, shipping costs, etc. for the individual reseller.

  • Example: If a top-tier reseller should receive a reduced dropship fee, you can set up a rule here to give them said specific dropship fee.

Reseller API Access

This API key is for your reseller to then access their account via your Flxpoint account. This is used mostly for your customers building to your Flxpoint API or for customers using the Inventory Source service and need to send orders over to your Flxpoint account via Inventory Source order automation service.

Customers can see this in their reseller login under settings.

Reseller Orders

You can manage each of your resellers' orders at a reseller level when you click on the orders section in reseller view mode. You have the ability to export out all orders for this reseller on this section as well in the top right by clicking on Export.

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