
How to Connect

Connection Details






Domain and Folder Structure

Go to Home->Domain Setting->Domain Detail

Copy Domain Name from here

Copy the Root Structure Directory including the Leading and Trailing / from it for folder structure

API token and Signature Key

Go to Setting → User Management → API token

Copy Access token from here and put in API token Tab

Copy Signature key generated and put in Signature key Tab

When creating your API token, ensure that you are activating "Require Timestamp". We recommend 120 seconds.

When creating your API token, please ensure to enable these functions. Without these functions the integration will not have the correct permissions to run.

These functions are found under User > API Token > Add Functions.

Add Functions:

  • Provision_Store
  • OrderItemList_CreateShipment
  • OrderList_Load_Query
  • OrderShipmentList_Update
  • ProductList_Load_Query
  • ProductVariantList_Load_Product
  • Product_Delete
  • InventoryProductSettings_Update

Store ID (Store Code)

Store ID can be found under Setting → Store setting

Completed Example:

Preparing your Miva Store

Custom Fields

(Product Type) - If you are only publishing products from Flxpoint, then we are handling the creation of the custom fields automatically.

If you have existing products on your Miva store and are trying to link an existing product and update the product then you will need to create the custom field 'product_type' and associate the custom field with the product(s) you are trying to update and link.

This is required, and Miva should be able to assist you with assigning these values to large catalogs.

Miva does not support an organic parent/variant structure for product listings, so this is how we are able to create a parent/variant relationship for products on the Miva store.


The product type needs to be selected as parent, variant, or simple to identify products as either a parent, variant, or simple product. This is relevant for updating product data and retrieving orders.

If you do not require a parent/variant structure, all products can be set to "simple".


A template must be setup to show the Main images and configure the image to appear throughout the store.

Click on ‘User Interface' → Go to template and search 'SRCH’

Change Image - > Main and save the changes


Image Type can be assigned on the above field, and you can have the image show up on the following pages: BASK (Basket Contents) > Basket Contents tab > Product Images checkboxes CTGY (Category Display) > Category Product List Layout tab > Image drop-down list PROD (Product Display) > Product Display Layout tab > Image drop-down list PROD (Product Display) > Related Product List Layout tab > Image drop-down list PLST (Product List) > Product List Layout tab > Image drop-down list SRCH (Search) > Search Results Layout tab > Image drop-down list

We recommend using “Main” for initial onboarding.

Image FTP Setup

This FTP will need to be configured under Publish Listings. This information is provided via email when the Miva store is created.


An “is-images” folder should be created on this file path /htdocs/mm5/graphics.

The important thing is that the folder needs to be created under 'graphics'. This is not mandatory. But if the folder is not created then all images will be placed directly inside the 'graphics' folder.

Example FTP:

If you opted to skip creating the folder inside of the FTP, ‘Image FTP Subfolder’ should be ‘graphics’ NOT ‘is-images'

Supported Operations

Link Listings SUPPORTED

Sync Listings SUPPORTED

Publish Listings SUPPORTED



Listing Operations


Deleting Products on the Store
If you delete a product on your store without using Flxpoint the item will still be shown as "Linked" inside of Flxpoint until the next sync, in which case the listings will be changed to a "Broken Link" status.

You will need to unlink and relink the items in your listings section to fix this.

Sync Listings


This will sync any changes that have been made to listings since the last time sync was performed to the Miva channel.

This will perform operations to update data for Price, Quantity and status of the linked products.

After selecting the connection type; there is nothing else to configure for this operation except for saving your settings.


SUPPORTED How delisting works with Miva

Delisting permanently removes the product from your Miva channel listing, can only be brought back to listed status again after running the sync/publish job is made to run.


SUPPORTED Hiding the variant for Miva channel listing

Hiding the variant temporary sets the product to a state where an it appears as Out of stock on your Miva channel, making sure there are no unwanted order for the variant.


SUPPORTED Unhiding the variant for Miva channel listing

Unhiding can only be used for the product variants that are already on hide status to bring the product back live for Miva sales channel.

Publish Listings


This will publish any listings that have been queued to list on your Miva store.

  1. Select the "Miva" Integration Type

From here, you will be taken to a screen that will allow you to choose a "New Connection"

You will need these credentials, provided by Miva, to move forward. (covered in "How to Connect")

You will also be asked to configure your FTP for the product images.

Your finished configuration should look like the below.

If you opted to skip creating the folder inside of the FTP, ‘Image FTP Subfolder’ should be ‘graphics’ NOT ‘is-images'


  • Fields for UPC and MPN are not available on Miva.
  • Fields for Product Dimensions (Height, Length, Width) are not available on Miva.
  • Fields for Brands/Manufacturer are not available on Miva.
  • Listings will not publish if your Time Stamp is not set.


SUPPORTED Overwriting the Variant details

Overwrite feature enables you to overwrite any data for already published variant on your Miva sales channel. i.e. updating Title, Description, categories, MPN, UPC, GTIN, Images.

Order Operations

Get Orders


This will get any new Orders from a Channel that have not yet been imported and will send back Acknowledgements for those Orders if needed. Orders imported here are considered “fresh” and are then eligible to go through the fulfillment process.

This operation will fetch all of the orders from Miva based on the selected order status.

Sync Orders


This will sync any changes that have been made to Order(s) since the last time a sync was performed to Miva Channel. Specifically, this will sync back components like tracking information, shipping information, and carrier information.

After selecting the connection type; there is nothing else to configure for this operation except for saving your settings.

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