Netsuite as a channel in Flxpoint allows users to sync and link their product listings, retrieve orders, and manage order synchronization efficiently. By integrating Netsuite as a channel, businesses can streamline the flow of order and product data between their online platforms and Netsuite, ensuring accurate inventory and seamless order processing.
How to Connect
NetSuite Setup Prerequisites
To ensure a smooth integration, please configure your NetSuite account as follows before connecting:
Enable Features
Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features and, under the SuiteCloud tab, enable:
- SuiteScript
- SuiteTalk (Web Services)
- REST Web Services (Ensure enabled)
- Token-Based Authentication
Set Permissions
In Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles, assign Full Level access for:
Setup Permissions
- Access Token Management
- Log in using Access Tokens
- REST Web Services
List Permissions
- Custom Record Entries
- Item Collection
- Items
- Record Custom Field
- Subsidiaries (if needed)
- Vendors
- Customers
Transactions Permissions
- Sales Order
- Purchase Order
- Item Fulfillment
- Inventory Adjustment
Correct configuration prevents connection errors and ensures that data is synced accurately.
Go to the Channel menu on the left panel.
Click the +Add Channel button to add a new channel.
Search for and select Netsuite in the Channel Setup section.
Choose Netsuite Purchase Order.
Fill in the required fields:
- Connection Name
- Client ID
- Client Secret
- Netsuite Store ID
- Token ID
- Token Secret
Click Test Connection to verify that everything works.
Click Save Connection to complete the setup.
Follow the prompts on the left to configure additional options (if needed).
How to Generate API Key/Secret from NetSuite:
- Log in using a role with the User Access Token permission.
- In the Settings portlet, click Manage Access Tokens.
- Click New My Access Token.
- On the Access Token page:
- Select the Application Name (we recommend naming it “Flxpoint”)
- The Token Name is auto‑generated, or you can enter your own.
- Click Save. The confirmation page displays the Token ID and Token Secret (they do not expire unless you revoke them).
- Note: Tokens created in your production account are not copied to sandbox or preview accounts. Generate new tokens for those environments.

Listing Operations
Sync & Link Listings
Yes, we support syncing and linking listings.
Syncing listings will update product quantity, pricing, and any other data mapped in the template.
Add a new configuration option: Allow to update the custom quantity.
If set to true, the custom quantity in your store will be updated. If false, the sync will occur without updating custom quantities.

Mapping Template Fields
Users can map custom fields in the sync template to update specific product data.

Operations Details
Supported Features
Sync Custom Fields
Sync Variant Attributes
Not Supported Features
Inventory Tracking Configs
Order Operations
Get Orders
Yes, we support Get Orders.
Flxpoint allows you to download both Purchase Orders (PO) and Sales Orders (SO) from your NetSuite account. You can configure whether to download one or both order types. Custom fields can be mapped to ensure all relevant order details are pulled into Flxpoint.
Operation Workflow
- Flxpoint pulls in Purchase and Sales Orders from NetSuite based on the selected configuration (PO or SO).
- Order IDs and item IDs are saved to ensure data is synced accurately.
- Flxpoint retrieves orders based on the creation date defined in the integration settings. This ensures you're always working with up-to-date data.
- Custom fields from NetSuite can be mapped to specific Flxpoint fields to ensure that any unique data you track is transferred correctly.
Mapping Custom Fields
You can map NetSuite custom fields to Flxpoint order fields, allowing for more detailed order tracking.
- NetSuite custom fields must start with cf_.
- If a custom field doesn't exist, it will be removed to avoid errors.
- NetSuite Custom Field:
- Flxpoint Field:
Channel Shipping Text
Operations Details
Supported Features
Order & Payment Statuses
Order Receipt / Invoice & Currency
Custom Fields
Weight & Dimensions (Units)
Not Supported Features
Order Acknowledgement
Shipping Selection
Digital Items / Donations
Sync Orders
Yes, we support Sync Orders
Sync Orders allows you to keep your order data synchronized between Netsuite and Flxpoint, ensuring that all order information, including custom fields, is up to date in both systems.
This process matches order data using the Order ID and Item ID saved during the Get Orders process.
- One Sales Order can have multiple POs. Flxpoint downloads each PO as an individual order.
- Shipments are updated at the item level, not at the order level.
- Custom field mapping is optional. These fields are used to avoid marking partial shipments as fully shipped on Netsuite.
Operations Details
Supported Features
Sync Shipments
Update Custom Fields
Not Supported Features
Platform "Notify Customer" Flow
Partial Order Shipments
Partial Order Item Shipments
Post Shipment Status Updates
Manual Order Item Limitations