Manually Creating Products


Flxpoint allows you to create products directly into the Product Catalog. By doing so, you bypass the traditional flow from Source >>> Source Inventory >>> Product Catalog.

Before You Get Started

  1. Determine the Parent SKU & Variant SKU. Both are required.
  2. For each new product, have the following optional information nearby:
    1. Title & Description
    2. Identifiers
    3. Quantity
    4. Cost & Pricing Data
    5. Dimensions & Weight
    6. Options & Attributes
    7. Images


How to Create a Product

  • Navigate to Product Catalog
  • Click Actions in the top right
  • Select Create Products
  • For the Parent, enter the Parent SKU
  • Click Create Parent
  • To add a Variant, click the + icon in the right-hand column
  • For the Variant, enter the Variant SKU
  • Click Create Variant
  • Now the Parent and Variant have been created.
  • Enter any optional fields you'd like.
  • Optional Fields:
    • Title & Description
    • Identifiers
    • Quantity*
    • Cost & Pricing Data*
    • Dimensions & Weights
    • Options & Attributes
    • Images
Flxpoint Pro Tip

Entering manual quantity and pricing data will lock those values in place. Once the product is connected to a Source, the quantity and pricing will not auto-sync until the values are manually unlocked.


Connecting Your Source Inventory to Your Manual Product

Option #1: Add Inventory Link(s)

  • Navigate to the new Variant
  • Scroll down to Inventory Links
  • Click +Add Inventory Link
  • Search and select matching Source Inventory SKU(s)
  • Click Save Variant to complete

Option #2: Merging Inventory into the Product Catalog

  • Ensure your new Variant has Identifiers to match on (i.e. UPC, EAN, MPN, etc.)
  • Build the desired SKU(s) from the Source Inventory into the Product Catalog
  • The system will merge SKU(s) automatically based on the matching identifiers

Guided Tutorial