Product Alternatives


Our Product Alternative feature allows you to replace any product within the order and fulfillment request with a closely-related alternate SKU to prevent delays in fulfillment.

Common Use Cases
  1. Allow you the ability to grant substitutions requested by your end-customer
  2. Substitute an out-of-stock product on the order
  3. Replace a product that has been archived and is no longer able to be fulfilled by the supplier

Adding a Product Alternative

  • Navigate to the Product Catalog.
  • Locate the product you would like to add an alternative to.
  • Click the product and scroll to the bottom of the screen.
  • Locate the Product Alternative section.
  • To add a new product variant, click + Add Product Alternative.
  • On the following search screen, enter the SKU, UPC, or other identifying information into the search bar OR select any item listed below. You may also use filters to help your search.
  • Once you see the chosen product listed in the Product Alternative section, save your progress by clicking Save Variant in the top right corner of the screen.

Duplicate Prevention

Our system is designed to prevent one product from being added as a duplicate product alternative. A red no-entry icon will display on any products actively listed as a product alternative.

Deleting a Product Alternative

  • To delete a product alternative, simply click the Red Garbage Can icon to the left of the undesired product alternative.
  • To restore a deleted product alternative, click the Grey Refresh icon to the left of the undesired product alternative.
  • To save these changes, be sure to click the Save Variant button in the top right of the screen.

Save Variant Required

For any adjustments made to a product, including deleting a Product Alternative, be sure to click Save Variant in the top right of the screen.

Product Alternatives & Orders

Order Line Item Alternatives

To replace a product with an alternative at the Order Line Item level:

  • Navigate to the desired Order Line Item
  • Click the Gear Icon to the right of the product
  • If the product currently has attached Product Alternatives, you will select the correct alternative from the list displayed.
  • If the product does not have Product Alternatives attached, you will be asked to search and select the correct alternative. Select the + Icon to begin your search.
  • Once you have chosen the appropriate alternative, click Confirm to complete the process.

Order Line Item Replacement Only Availabe Before Generated Fulfillment Request

Replacing an order line item is only available before the Fulfillment Request has been generated. Once the Fulfillment Request has been generated, you will need to edit the Fulfillment Request as shown below.

Fulfillment Request Alternatives

To replace a product with an alternative on the Fulfillment Request:

  • Navigate to the Fulfillment Request
  • Click the Actions button in the bottom left corner
  • Select Edit
  • Locate the desired product and click the Pencil Icon to the right of the product
  • Select the appropriate alternative product
  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen
  • Click Update PO to complete process

Product Alternative Limitations

Replacing a product with an alternative product will not:

  1. Update your Sales Channel order
  2. Update your Channel Invoice
  3. Notify the end customer

Notifications & History

Line Item Notification

To see if an order line item has been replaced with an alternative product, hover your mouse over the title of the line item.

Order Status History

To view the updates in the Order Status History, click Actions >>> Order Status History.

Here you will see changes made to the Order Line Items and the Fulfillment Requests.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When and where can I add a Product Alternative?

You can add a Product Alternative at the Product Catalog, Order Line Item, and Fulfillment Request levels.

2. Can I substitute a Product Alternative after the Fulfillment Request has been processed?

No. You may only substitute an alternative product as long the Fulfillment Request is in an unprocessed status.

Once the Fulfillment Request has been processed by the supplier, we can no longer substitute products.

3. How do I know if a product has been replaced with its Product Alternative?
You can track product replacement in the order history.
4. Can I automate this?
Currently, automation for Product Alternatives is not supported.