Custom Aggregate Field Management


Create custom price and/or quantity fields to be managed from any of your sources for listing to any of your channels.

You can use these fields when the standard Setting up Aggregation Rules are not sufficient, and you need further granularity on what sources to factor in when determining a value.

They may also be helpful when some of your sources do not provide additional price or quantity fields, so they are not available for mapping and aggregating to product variants in Flxpoint (ex: sale price).

What Is a Custom Aggregate Field?

It is a custom price or quantity field that will aggregate (compare, combine, or calculate) the value from all inventory variants that are linked to the same product variant with the same custom field.

These fields can be created and used within mapping templates and/or workflows to dynamically derive a single price or quantity value from multiple sources as needed to be saved for the associated product variant.

Custom Aggregate Fields allow you to create price and/or quantity fields that serve a unique purpose. When you map a value from your source to this field, it means this source provides a value that fulfills the purpose this field was intended for.

Why Use Custom Aggregate Fields?

Often when dealing with multiple channels and/or multiple sources, one may encounter restrictions on which products can be listed where.

This is a common scenario in the dropshipping industry that Custom Aggregate Fields may help with.

  • In this case, we want to exclude the quantity and cost fields for those source variants from being considered in the aggregated values that will be synced to the listing on Amazon.
  • However, we still want to include it in the aggregated value for listing on all other sales channels.
Example: Source Doesn't Permit Orders from Amazon

Let's say you have three sources, and one source does not permit orders from Amazon.

  • Source A: Permits Amazon orders
  • Source B: Permits Amazon orders
  • Source C: Does NOT permit Amazon orders

To avoid factoring Source C's quantity into your listings on Amazon, you can create a Custom Aggregate Field called:

  • "Quantity for Amazon Allowed"

From there, you will set up your "Get Inventory - Primary" (or Secondary) mapping templates:

  • Source A's "Quantity" maps to "Quantity" AND Custom Aggregate Field "Quantity for Amazon Allowed"
  • Source B's "Quantity" maps to "Quantity" AND Custom Aggregate Field "Quantity for Amazon Allowed"
  • Source C's "Quantity" maps to "Quantity" ONLY and does NOT map to "Quantity for Amazon Allowed"

After importing/updating your source inventory, for all product variants where there are linked inventory variants from Source A, Source B, and Source C, then "Quantity for Amazon Allowed" will only factor in the quantity from Source A and Source B.

However, by also mapping the quantity from ALL three sources to the same "Quantity" field, you will in addition have an overall aggregated quantity for listing to your other channels.

This means when you set your listing's quantity equal to the custom field for "Quantity for Amazon Allowed", an accurate quantity will be shown on Amazon to what can actually be fulfilled.

Results: No more out of stock orders caused by inappropriately including quantity from ALL sources.

Create a Custom Aggregate Field

To create Custom Aggregate Fields, go to:

  1. Go to Settings > Products > Aggregate Rules
  2. Scroll down to Custom Aggregate Fields

Here you will create your new field by inputting a value for:

  1. Display Name: the title of the field; will be used to as the custom aggregate field name in mapping templates & rules.
  2. Data Type: the type of field—Price or Quantity
  3. Option: how to aggregate the values; options are Highest, Lowest Sum, or Average of the values.
  4. After a Custom Aggregate Field has been created, you will have the option to "Exclude Out of Stock".
    1. Option to enable this will not appear until clicking "Update Aggregate Rules" in the top right corner.
    2. If you set it up or make changes after managing your Custom Aggregate Fields within the Mapping Template, you will have to run a re-sync when clicking update in the top right corner.

Enabling Exclude Out Of Stock from a Custom Aggregate Field means that out of stock inventory data will be excluded from this calculation unless all other inventory item data is empty/null. When enabled, it will show a tooltip to the right of the toggle, and you can read this information there as well.


Best Practice: Create Price and Quantity Custom Aggregate Fields

In almost all cases, you will want to make sure you are creating a Price custom aggregate field and Quantity aggregate field for each solution you are building.

This means if you are trying to solve two different problems for two different channels, you would have four custom aggregate fields total.

  • Solution #1 will have one for Price and one for Quantity
  • Solution #2 will have one for Price and one for Quantity

Consider, if you want to exclude Source C's quantity from factoring into your Amazon listing, then you likely don't want the cost/price from Source C factoring in either.

By creating a custom aggregate field for both price and quantity, you ensure the excluded source's data does not influence your margins or your routing decisions.

Deleting and Editing Custom Aggregate Fields

Once a custom field has been created, it cannot be edited or deleted without assistance from our support team.

Please be careful when creating these fields and reach out to our support team if you need help removing fields.

Map Source Data to Custom Aggregate Fields

Once you have created your Custom Aggregate Fields, you'll need to map price and quantity data from your sources to your Source Inventory through the Get Inventory - Primary or Secondary mapping templates.

Steps to take:

  1. Go to Sources
  2. Find your Source and click the gear icon
  3. Integrations  Get Inventory - Primary or Secondary
  4. Click Edit
  5. Click through to Step 3 >>> open mapping template
  6. Find and expand the section called "Custom Aggregate Fields" at the bottom of the mapping template.
When to Use a Unique Mapping Template

Usually, it's not required to use a unique mapping template per source if the data structure is the same on import between the sources.

However, when using Custom Aggregate Fields, if you have two sources using the same mapping template but only one of the sources does not need a custom aggregate field, then you will need to create a unique mapping template for that particular source.

Otherwise, the source you are trying to exclude will be included in the aggregated value.

When using BOTH Get Inventory Primary and Get Inventory Secondary

If you are using one value, i.e. price, from GI-P and you are using another value, i.e. quantity, from GI-S both custom aggregate names need to be added to each mapping template. However, the value should be set to Don't Map.



  • CAF Name 1 = Price CAF
  • CAF Value 1 = Price
  • CAF Name 2 = QTY CAF
  • CAF Value 2 = Don't Map


  • CAF Name 1 = Price CAF
  • CAF Value 1 = Don't Map
  • CAF Name 2 = QTY CAF
  • CAF Value 2 = QTY


Map Source Data to Custom Aggregate Fields:


    1. For each CUSTOM AGGREGATE FIELD NAME, you will select the display name from the dropdown Option.
    2. Below that, the source's price or quantity value should be mapped to the CUSTOM AGGREGATE FIELD VALUE.
    3. Save the mapping template.
    4. Run the integration.
    5. Spot check a source inventory variant to make sure it imported properly.

    The last step, is to set your Custom Aggregate Field(s) to a product variant or listing variant price or quantity field.

Set Custom Aggregate Fields to Product and Listing Fields

If you already have built your inventory into products and listings, then these Custom Aggregate Fields will appear at all three stages.

If not, then you will need to build products and/or listings for these Custom Aggregate Fields to appear at all three stages.

The final step is to set the aggregate value(s) to an existing listing field (e.g. List Price) through workflow rules, or alternatively, use the value directly from the custom field on the listing to map over to the channel in the mapping template.

There are two workflows that allow you to do this:

  • Product Pricing & Quantity workflow: You should use this workflow if you want to set your custom aggregate field to a price or quantity field at the product catalog stage. This will be applied across your entire product catalog. Click here to go to this workflow in Flxpoint.
  • Listing Pricing and Quantity workflow: You should use this workflow if you want to set your custom aggregate fields to a price or quantity field at the channel listing stage. This will only be applied to the channel(s) you set it up for.

To navigate to the Listing Price and Quantity workflow:

  1. Go to Channels
  2. Select the channel you'd like to create a workflow for and click the gear icon
  3. Click Price / Quantity

Once there, you'll want to set the Custom Aggregate Field to the product or listing price or quantity field you need.

To learn more about how to use this workflow and how to set them up, checkout our docs on Product Pricing & Quantity and Listing Pricing and Quantity.

Filtering by Custom Aggregate Fields

We also support filtering by custom aggregate fields when searching through your source inventory, product catalog, or channel listings to see if the record does or does not have a custom aggregate field.

Give it a try!

Use Cases

Custom Aggregate Fields is perfect for solving instances where:

  1. At least one source, but not all sources, do not permit orders from marketplaces.
  2. At least one channel, but not all channels, need a different set of aggregate "Options" (i.e. Average Estimated Cost) than the standard Product Aggregate Rules.
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