Editing Inventory Variants


Flxpoint allows you to manually adjust your inventory variant data. Below is a list of fields, you may edit.

Fields You May Edit:
  • Quantity Fields [ Cost, MSRP, MAP, Shipping Cost, Dropship Fee, Source List Price ]
  • Identifier Fields [ UPC, MPN, GTIN, ASIN, Reference Identifier, Bin Location ]
  • Quantity [ Available Quantity ]
SKU Limitation

Updating the SKU manually is not supported.

Flxpoint Pro Tip: Prevent Your Manual Edits from Being Overwritten

For all fields you would like to manage manually, be sure to:

  1. Update your Source's Get Inventory Primary and Get Inventory Secondary Mapping Templates.
  2. Set desired fields to Don't Map.

Flxpoint will no longer update the fields automatically. Now you can handle all changes manually!


Before You Get Started

  • Create a Source
  • Configure your Get Inventory Primary & Get Inventory Secondary (if applicable)
  • Import all data needed from the source
  • Once data has been imported, you will need to edit your Get Inventory Mapping Template.
  • For any fields (such as price and identifiers) you would like to manage manually, you will need to set the field to Don't Map in the Get Inventory Mapping Template.
  • This will prevent Flxpoint from overwriting your manual edits with the data from your source integration.


  • Under Products, go to the Source inventory variant you want to edit
  • Click "Edit“
  • Modify identifier fields and/or price fields
  • Click save when these changes are complete
  • To modify inventory, click the pencil icon next to quantity and save
View the Update History

The inventory variant history will update with the changes made and will include

  • Email Address of the user that made the change
  • Standard changelog details you’d find for any other change to source inventory

Guided Exercise