Chattanooga as a Source

Chattanooga Shooting Supply as a source in Flxpoint typically refers to a fulfillment or inventory source integration with a distributor or supplier based in Chattanooga. This integration allows users to sync inventory, process orders, and manage product data from the Chattanooga source directly within the Flxpoint platform. It streamlines the ecommerce operations by automating the flow of data between the supplier and the user's online store, ensuring accurate inventory levels, efficient order processing, and up-to-date product information.     


How to connect      

Step 1: Log into your Flxpoint account and go to Connections > Fulfillment Sources.
Step 2: Click +Add Source. Name your new source (e.g., Chattanooga Shooting Supply) and choose a source type. Then click Save.
Step 3: Select FLX Supplier Directory and locate Chattanooga Shooting Supply. Click Continue.
Step 4: In the New Chattanooga Shooting Supply Connection form, enter your SID and TOKEN.

These credentials are provided by Chattanooga Shooting Supply. If you don’t have them, please contact your CSS representative.
MD5 Authorization Note: If your connection requires sending a hashed token, you can generate the MD5 hash of your token using an online tool like

Then, create an authorization header in this format: Basic (Your SID):(MD5 hash of your token).
Step 5: Click Test Connection to verify your SID/TOKEN. Once successful, click Save Connection.
Step 6: On the Configure Settings screen, you can:

- Ignore Empty/Null Values: If enabled, any empty values mapped to a field in your mapping template will be ignored.

- Archive/Un-Archive Inventory: If enabled, any item missing from the Chattanooga feed will be marked as archived, and automatically un-archived if it reappears later.

When finished, click Save and Proceed.
Step 7: Under Define a Mapping Template, select or create a template (e.g., “Get Source Products 1”). Map the Chattanooga feed fields (e.g., SKU, Quantity, Price) to Flxpoint’s corresponding fields. Once mapped, click Save and Complete.
Step 8: Your Chattanooga Shooting Supply “Get Inventory” integration is now active. Flxpoint will begin retrieving inventory data according to your schedule.


Product Operations

The primary operation handles the bulk of your inventory management needs, while the secondary operation allows for more detailed control, such as focusing on specific products or updates       

Get Inventory (Primary)

Supported: Chattanooga - Get Inventory [Primary]

This integration retrieves product inventory data directly from your Chattanooga account using their API. It pulls product details—including SKU, available quantity, pricing, and other attributes—in optimized batches for efficient processing.

- Data Retrieval: Uses the Chattanooga API to fetch product details reliably.
- Batch Processing: Processes inventory records in manageable batches for improved performance.
- Mapping: Custom mapping templates ensure that source fields are correctly aligned to your internal inventory fields.
- Data Format: Supports JSON feeds with comprehensive product data.

Once fetched, Flxpoint creates or updates inventory records based on the mapping rules you configure.
Mapping Template Overview

For the Get Inventory Primary operation, you must define how Chattanooga’s inventory fields map to your internal records. The mapping template provides several options for each field, such as:

- Don’t Map: Exclude this field from processing.
- Set to Empty: Force this field to remain blank.
- Field: Directly copy the value from a source field.
- Value: Use a fixed or static value for every record.
- Mapping Set: Apply a transformation or lookup to standardize the data.
- Rules: Use conditional logic to assign values based on specified criteria.

For example:

1. Product Identification
Chattanooga SKUInternal SKU
Product NameInternal Product Title
Barcode/UPCInternal Barcode

2. Inventory Details
Available QuantityInventory Count
Cost PriceInternal Cost
Selling PriceInternal Price

Additional Notes:
- Verify that all mapped fields conform to both your system’s format and Chattanooga’s data output.
- Use mapping sets or rules where necessary to standardize data before importing.
- Review Flxpoint’s logs after each import to ensure that the mappings are applied correctly.

Get Inventory (Secondary)

Supported: Chattanooga - Get Inventory [Secondary]

This integration retrieves your Chattanooga inventory using a delta-based feed. It only returns items that have been updated since the last successful run (plus an additional buffer of about 2 hours). This helps reduce bandwidth usage and keeps your inventory in sync without pulling a full file each time.

- API Endpoint: (pages of updated SKUs).
- Authorization: Use a Basic header format. Ensure your API key is valid.
- Partial Data: Because the feed only returns updated SKUs, any items not recently changed won’t appear in the file.
- Archive Missing Products: It is not recommended to enable this setting with Chattanooga’s Get Inventory (Secondary), as it can incorrectly archive items that simply haven’t updated recently.
- SKU Length Limitation: The Chattanooga API does not reliably return data for SKUs longer than 24 characters. Verify or adjust any SKUs that exceed this limit.
Mapping Template Overview

When configuring Chattanooga’s Get Inventory (Secondary), you’ll define how each field in the delta feed maps into your Flxpoint Inventory Variant fields. Below is an example of the mapping interface, showing typical fields you may map:

- Cost / Drop Ship Price / Retail Price: Depending on your pricing needs, you can map the cost from “Drop Ship Price,” “Custom Price,” or “Retail Price” in the Chattanooga feed.
- Quantity: Typically comes from the “Inventory” field if Chattanooga provides available stock.
- SKU: If needed, map from “Retail Map Price” or other relevant fields to create or match an identifier (though often you’ll rely on the SKU from the GIP, or you may skip if GIP already set your parent SKU).
- MAP / Retail Price: You can map these to your variant MAP or standard price fields, if applicable.
- Don’t Map / Set to Empty: For any fields you don’t need (like MSRP or Source List Price), you can choose to leave them unmapped.
- Rules: Optionally, add rules to transform or conditionally set field values (e.g., if Category indicates a firearm, set “Requires FFL” to True).

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter errors or unexpected data with Chattanooga’s Get Inventory (Secondary), consider:

- Check Credentials & Headers: Confirm you’re using valid Basic auth credentials.
- Partial Data: Items that haven’t been updated recently will not appear. Avoid enabling “Archive Missing Products” for this feed.
- SKU Limit: If your SKU is longer than 24 characters, it may fail to fetch details from Chattanooga’s API.
- Mapping Mistakes: Ensure your fields (Cost, Quantity, MAP, etc.) are mapped correctly. Incorrect mapping can lead to 0 quantity or missing cost data.
- Check Logs: If a job fails or completes with warnings, review Flxpoint job logs for detailed error messages or missing data notices.

Contact Flxpoint support if issues persist or if you need assistance with advanced transformations or scheduling.



Order Operations

It submits orders to vendors for fulfillment and subsequently imports the shipment details, ensuring an integration between order processing and shipment tracking. 

Send Fulfillment Requests

Supported: Chattanooga - Send Fulfillment Requests [Purchase Orders]

This integration sends purchase order data from your Flxpoint environment directly to Chattanooga’s system using their API. It can create new purchase orders or update existing ones, depending on your mapping configuration and business rules.

- Data Transmission: Sends order details—such as items, quantities, and shipping addresses—directly to Chattanooga.
- Drop Shipping: Supports drop_ship_flag for shipping orders directly to end customers when authorized.
- Optional Fields: Certain fields (e.g., insurance_flag, adult_signature_flag) only apply under specific conditions.
- Batch Handling: Flxpoint processes orders in batches to efficiently manage large order volumes.

Once an order is submitted, Chattanooga will use the provided data to fulfill and ship the items accordingly. You can track confirmations or errors via Flxpoint’s logs and notification settings.
Mapping Template Overview

In your mapping template for Chattanooga Purchase Orders, you’ll specify how each field in Flxpoint corresponds to Chattanooga’s required and optional fields. You can choose among:

- Don’t Map: Exclude the field entirely from transmission.
- Set to Empty: Force the field to be blank or null.
- Field: Copy values directly from a source field in Flxpoint (e.g., Fulfillment Request, Shipping Address, etc.).
- Value: Provide a fixed/static value for every order.
- Mapping Set: Apply a predefined transformation or lookup table.
- Rules: Use conditional logic to set or transform values based on criteria.

Key Fields for Chattanooga Purchase Orders
- adult_signature_flag: Required for certain shipments; set to 1 automatically for FFL drop ship orders. Invalid when drop_ship_flag = 0.
- customer: Required when drop_ship_flag = 1. Displays on the packing slip under “Customer.”
- delivery_option: Required when drop_ship_flag = 1 (see Chattanooga’s Shipping Policy for details).
- drop_ship_flag: Pass 1 to ship directly to your end customer; 0 means shipped to your business.
- insurance_flag: Optional for drop shipments; not valid when drop_ship_flag = 0.
- PO Number (po_number): Your unique purchase order identifier for reference.
- Item Number (sku): Identifies the product to be ordered (mapped from Fulfillment Request Item → SKU).
- Quantity: The number of units for each line item in the purchase order.
- Shipping Address Fields:

- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- City
- State / State Code
- Zip Code

These fields are crucial for drop-ship orders to ensure correct delivery.

Tips & Reminders:
- Conditional Fields: Some fields become mandatory or invalid based on the drop_ship_flag or shipping method.
- Use Rules or Mapping Sets: If you need to transform data or set default values, use these advanced options to automate the process.
- Validation: Ensure you’re passing correct data types (e.g., text vs. boolean) to avoid errors in Chattanooga’s system.
- Review Logs: After sending orders, check Flxpoint logs or notifications for confirmation or error messages.
Chattanooga Purchase Order Capabilities

- Fulfillment Request Number: SUPPORTED (FR # can be sent and is mappable in mapping template)
- Customer Association: NOT SUPPORTED
- FR Item Association: SUPPORTED (SKU is sent in request)
- Auto Acknowledgements: SUPPORTED (We receive order_number in response for successful order)
- Shipping Selection: SUPPORTED (Shipping methods supported: test, fastest, economy, ground, next day air, second day air)
- Custom Fields: NOT SUPPORTED
- Attachments: NOT SUPPORTED
- Limitations: Some delivery_option options are not available for certain items if they are drop shipped.

Get Shipments

Supported: Chattanooga - Get Shipments

This integration retrieves shipping updates from Chattanooga, marking orders as shipped in Flxpoint. Because Chattanooga’s response does not include item-level details, **partial shipments are not supported**. If a shipment is indicated for an order, **all items** on that order are marked as shipped.

- API Endpoint:{orderId}/shipments (retrieves order-level shipment details).
- Authorization: Use valid Basic auth credentials in the header.
- Carrier & Method: Supported. The Chattanooga feed provides numeric or text values for carrier and shipping method.
- Shipment Item Association: Shipments come at the **purchase order (PO)** or order level; item-level details are not returned.
- Partial Shipments: Not supported. If Chattanooga indicates an order has shipped, the entire order is marked shipped.
- Tracking Number: A single tracking number is returned for each shipment.
Mapping Template Overview

When configuring Chattanooga - Get Shipments, you’ll define how each field from Chattanooga’s shipment feed maps into your Flxpoint Shipment fields. Below is an example of the mapping interface, showing typical fields you might map:

- Carrier: Numeric or text code indicating the carrier (e.g., UPS, FedEx).
- Method: Numeric or text code for the shipping method (e.g., Ground, 2-Day).
- Tracking Number: The primary tracking number returned by Chattanooga.
- Shipped At: The shipment date/time (if provided).
- Shipping Cost: If Chattanooga provides any cost detail, you can map it here; otherwise, you may leave it unmapped or set it to 0.
- Don’t Map / Set to Empty: For any fields you don’t need (like a note field or extra references), you can choose to leave them unmapped.
- Rules: Optionally, add rules to transform or conditionally set field values (e.g., if Carrier code = 1, set “UPS” as the displayed carrier).

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter errors or missing shipment data when using Chattanooga - Get Shipments, consider the following:

- Check Credentials & Headers: Confirm you’re using valid Basic auth credentials in your request headers.
- Order Not Found: If the order doesn’t exist in Flxpoint at the time of fetching shipments, it cannot be marked as shipped. Ensure your order import is functioning correctly first.
- Partial Shipments Not Supported: The feed does not provide line-level details. If an order is indicated as shipped, the entire order is updated to shipped in Flxpoint.
- Mapping Mistakes: Verify that your mapping (Carrier, Method, Tracking Number, etc.) matches the Chattanooga feed. Incorrect mapping can lead to missing or invalid shipment data.
- Check Logs: If a job fails or completes with warnings, review your Flxpoint job logs for detailed error messages or missing data notices.

Contact Flxpoint support if issues persist or if you need assistance with advanced transformations or scheduling.



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