Inventory Source as a Source

Inventory Source provides a feed for product data and integrates via the Flxpoint API for core order operations.

How to Connect

  • Start by heading to Sources in your Flxpoint dashboard using the building icon on the left menu.
  • Click the + icon to add a new connection, and follow the prompts.
  • Enter the Feed File URL and API Refresh Token provided by Inventory Source. If you haven't received these credentials, reach out to our team for assistance.
  • Test your connection by clicking Test Connection. This will ensure that everything is set up correctly.
  • Once the connection is verified, click Save Connection to finalize the integration. If you run into any issues during setup, please contact or your Senior Product Specialist for help.
Inventory Source Connection


Product Operations

The primary operation handles the bulk of your inventory management needs, while the secondary operation allows for more detailed control, such as focusing on specific products or update.

Get Inventory (Primary)


Yes, we support Get Inventory (Primary)

This process can pull full product data of an existing supplier (available in the Inventory Source Supplier Directory) including variation structure, inventory and pricing via Inventory Source data feed URL.



Order Operations

It submits orders to vendors for fulfillment and subsequently imports the shipment details, ensuring an integration between order processing and shipment tracking.    

Send Fulfillment Requests


Yes, we support Send Fulfillment Requests

To configure sending fulfillment requests/fulfillment orders (FRs/FOs), you must provide the source API key to Inventory Source to configure.


Get Shipments


Yes, we support Get Shipments

This uses the same API key as the Send FRs/FOs integration, so providing this API Key to Inventory Source allows them to authenticate and provide shipments for any submitted FRs/FOs.

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