Account ID, Passwords, & Security


Flxpoint Account ID

When an account is created, Flxpoint assigns your account an account ID number. We recommend including this account ID number in your messages when you contact the Flxpoint team for account and troubleshooting questions.

To locate your Flxpoint Account ID, click on the round icon in the top right of the screen containing your initials. You will see a menu with the account ID as shown below:



Resetting Your Password

To reset your Flxpoint password:

  • Navigate to the Flxpoint App
  • Click Forgot Password?
  • Enter your email to receive a password reset email.
  • Check your email inbox for an email from
  • Open email. Click link to set new password.
  • Login with new password.
Forgot Password Location

Updating Password

To update your password:

  • Click the round icon in the top right of the screen containing your initials
  • Click Edit Info
  • Click Change Password
  • Enter your current password and new password desired
  • Click Change Password to initiate change
  • Look for green success pop-up notification to confirm update


Enabling 2-Factor Authentication

By enabling 2-Factor Authentication, you will require all users on your account to set up a secondary device (email or SMS) to verify their login. Users can "trust devices" in order to bypass 2FA during each login attempt for common browsers.

To update your 2-Factor Authentication Settings:

  • Click the Global Settings Gear Icon
  • Click Security
  • Click Yes under 2-Factor Authentication
  • Enter 2FA Phone Number

Once enabled, all Flxpoint users must add a phone number to their account, so they can utilize 2-Factor Authentication.


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