Configuring Shipping Policies

In step 7 of the onboarding flow, you'll determine your shipping management strategy by configuring shipping policies.

Shipping Policies bind together channel shipping mappings and eligible source shipping methods.

In short:

  • An incoming order has a channel shipping mapping associated to it based on some text (i.e. "fastest" or "4-7 days").
  • This channel shipping mapping references a shipping policy (i.e. "standard" or "expedited")
  • This shipping policy is then mapped to specific source shipping methods for each source, depending on the specific carriers/methods a source can fulfill out from.

The life cycle is as follows:

  • Order imported → Channel shipping mapping identified
  • Channel shipping mapping identified→ Shipping policy assigned
  • During order routing → purchase order/fulfillment request is generated with a source shipping method that is mapped to this shipping policy. Note, this process can also choose between multiple methods via rate shopping

Shipping Management is a centralized hub for determining how your sources ship orders routed by Flxpoint.

From Shipping Management, you can:

  • Create, edit, or delete shipping policies.
  • Add, edit, or delete source shipping methods.
  • Add, edit, or delete channel shipping mappings.
  • Automate or select package sizing for shipping labels.
  • Filter carriers or methods for rate shopping.


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