Shipments represent the items that have been shipped out from your sources.
A shipment typically originates from a source via the Get Shipments integration (see Integrating a Source) and is synced to a channel via the Sync Orders integration (see Integrating a Channel).
Shipments can also be created manually.
Shipment Life Cycle
After a fulfillment request/fulfillment orders (FR/FO) has been successfully processed to a source, Flxpoint then monitors for shipments related to this FR/FO.
Once a shipment is found for this FR/FO, it is imported and associated to this FR/FO. Shipped counts increment based on the items found to be shipped.
If all items have been shipped for this order, the order is then put into a Closed state.
Each shipment that is imported is flagged for syncing to a channel and will be picked up on the next Sync Orders channel integration.
Note: |
If you do not want to sync tracking back to a channel, see the suppress tracking functionality. |
What Is Suppress Tracking?
In some situations, sending tracking back to a channel is not desirable. In these situations, there is a flag that can be set on shipments to suppress tracking, so Flxpoint will not sync the tracking back to a channel.
This can be automated via routing groups or can be manually flagged on each shipment.